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1R Track Day (Passenger) - 27th of March 2025

If you've already registered for the Track Day on the 27th of March 2025 and would like to add a passenger to join you in the vehicle, you can do so here!
For $50 (including GST), a passenger can experience the ride with you during the dedicated passenger session.
All passengers must adhere to the same safety standards as drivers: helmets complying with AS/NZS 1698, full coverage clothing from neck to wrists and ankles, and flat, closed shoes are mandatory.
Once you've completed this form, you're ready for the day! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

First name

Last name

Email address

Mobile number


Please provide your address in the following format:
Format: Street Number and Address, Suburb, State, Postcode
Example: 123 Smith Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000


This event has a minimum age of 14 with parental consent required for those under 18

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact Number

Who will you be the passenger for?

Track Day Requirements

- Vehicle must be in good order and condition with all safety systems operational.
- Full coverage clothing from neck to wrists and ankles.
- Flat Closed Shoes
- Helmets (complying with AS/NZS 1698 minimum)
- All drivers must hold a Motorsport Australia Licence. If you don't have one, a Motorsport Australia Introductory Licence can be purchased.

Passenger Payment
